Well in just three days my oldest son JR will be turning 4 years old! It's still surreal that I have a four year old son! This fall he will be starting school! :( I am soooooooooo not ready for him to leave from under my wing but it is time. I am excited to see him grow in his education and watch him learn so much! School, Athletics, making friends...Oh my goodness!!! It seems like these past four years have gone by extremely fast.

I know my Quido will grow into a successful little man! He loves to learn new things. The one thing that I think...well let me rephrase that. The one thing I KNOW we will have issues with is the seperation that will happen when JR goes to PreK and AJ is not there with him. JR and AJ are best friends and they hate to go anywhere without each other. If the other one is not there you better believe they are asking for each other and crying trying to figure out why they are not together. I love the fact that they are so close and JR has been the BEST big brother anyone could ask for! To just be three going on four years old..he knows how to take care of his little brother!
In just a few more months he will be going to school and I pray that he makes this transition easy. He has the support of Mommy, Papi, AJ and our family and friends! So I know he will be GREAT!!!!!
JR, you are such a big boy and we love you for who you are and who you will become! We love everything about you; your love for your family, your personality, your crazy humor (like your father), and more!! You are the coolest little guy I know!!! We love JR!!
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